About For Books Dear Congress Best Sellers Rank : #3

  • 4 years ago
In this unique era of political turmoil facing the United States, I decided the best way to exercise my First Amendment right was by using my pen and e-mailing concerns to congressional representatives. With continuing threats of constitutional issues being stripped away and damage being done to our great nation, like so many other Americans, it was my way of standing up and voicing my views. Watching the current occupant in the presidential office trample over the media, not tell the truth, and work towards reducing our constitutional rights and civil liberties was and continues to be shocking. While some members of Congress remain silent and continually enable the ongoing damage to our country, the power still remains in all of us, as private citizens, to make our contributions. It does not matter how, as long as we are contributing by publicly protesting, running for office, actively participating in political parties or helping with the upcoming midterm elections. As I no longer wanted to feel like we are heading for a dictatorship that only allows bowing and praising an undisciplined and inadequate leader, I wanted to exercise my First Amendment right. So, I wrote this short book, hoping other Americans will be inspired to use their pens or voices to exercise their First Amendment rights to their congressional representatives.
