Biden names five co-chairs for his inauguration committee that reflects "spirit of diversity"

  • 4 years ago
바이든 취임위원회 공동의장단 임명 발표, 취임식 준비 박차 흑인 하원의원 2명 합류

U.S. President Donald Trump has yet to make an official concession.
But President-elect Joe Biden is ramping up his preparations for the January 20th inauguration,... having announced the co-chairs of his inaugural committee.
For more on this and other news from around the world, we turn to our Lee Kyung-eun.
Kyung-eun, tell us more.
Mok-yeon, Biden has announced the five co-chairs for his inauguration committee,... who will be in charge of planning and organizing the event.
Biden said, one point of concern, has been reflecting the country's shared values.
And making up the "diverse" team,... is Biden's longtime ally Lisa Blunt Rochester.
She is the first woman and African-American to represent Delaware in Congress.
Joining her,... is another top ranking African-American House Democrat James Clyburn.
And Louisiana representative Cedric Richmond who will be a senior adviser in Biden's White House.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and L.A. Mayor,... will also be part of the team.
Together, the members aim to engage Americans across the country,... while their priority for this year's inauguration will be keeping people safe against COVID-19.


