• 4 years ago
去年霜降之后整了一缸柿子醋, 直到今年初雪才吃得。 大冷天的围着火炉子吃着新捂的柿饼、 烤点小肠蘸点醋就着热腾腾的鱼汤 这才是属于冬天的幸福啊… 愿这一串串的红柿子送走即将过去的2020年, 带来新一年所有的你们万柿如意,好柿连连❤️ After Frost's Descent last year, I made a jar of persimmon vinegar, and have been waiting till the first snow this year when it’s ready to be served. With frigid chill outside, we nestle around the fireplace, eat newly dried persimmons, And dip the grilled isaws in the vinegar to go with hot fish soup-- Such a luxury of winter… May the red, red persimmons see the old year out, And bring all of you a happy, prosperous new year!
