• 5 years ago
The Cutest Child Gary Coleman
https://dai.ly/x7y14d8 - The Cutest Child Gary Coleman was an American Actor. He was born February 8 1968. He was the cutest little thing that everyone watching that TV show Different Strokes fell in love with Arnold. He was known for his most favorite phrase, "What You Talkin Bout Willis"! He was a natural and had a very bubbly attitude. Gary was born and raised in Zion Illinois where he had complications with his health.
He was born with one bad kidney and another bad kidney worse than the first one. It stopped him from growing and his height was 4.8". Gary's net worth is 75 thousand.

Did Gary Coleman have dwarfism?
His short stature (4 feet 8 inches or 142 cm) stemmed from congenital kidney disease and its treatment. He underwent at least two unsuccessful kidney transplants early in his life and required frequent dialysis, which he preferred not to discuss.

How did Gary Coleman die when did he die?
Coleman divorced Shannon Price in 2008, but they were living together in Santaquin, Utah, when he suffered a fall at home last month and died two days later of a brain hemorrhage in a Provo, Utah, hospital.

What disease did Gary Coleman have?
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Born February 8, 1968, in Zion, Illinois, Coleman was an adopted son who suffered a condition known as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, an autoimmune disease that alters the kidneys.

Where is Gary Coleman buried?
Gary Coleman
Birth 8 Feb 1968 Zion, Lake County, Illinois, USA
Death 28 May 2010 (aged 42) Provo, Utah County, Utah, USA
Burial Cremated
Memorial ID 52941083 · View Source

What happened to Gary Coleman's money?
According to People Magazine, Coleman amassed and lost $18m during his career. He lost most of his money in a protracted legal battle with his adoptive parents who had control of his wealth until he was 18. By the end, he was left with just $200,000.

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