Anonymous donor gives 60 million won to charity

  • 4 years ago
종이봉투 속 수천만 원..."어르신과 소년소녀가장에게"

Some acts of kindness in this tough winter charities in Chuncheon have received anonymous donations this month... including a paper bag containing 60 million Korean won in cash.
Our Kim Yeon-seung has the full story.
In front of the Community Chest of Korea's office in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do Province... stands a man dressed in black.
In his hand, a paper bag.
When a worker comes out to check on him,... he puts down the bag and quickly leaves.
Inside the bag 60 million Korean won in cash... or roughly 55-thousand U.S. dollars... along with a letter asking for the money to go to 50 elderly people who live alone and children who are their families' breadwinners.
"When I opened the bag there was a bundle of 50-thousand won bills wrapped in newspaper. I was really surprised, so I went out to chase him but he was already gone."
Early this month, the Senior Welfare Center in Chuncheon received an anonymous check for 10 million Korean won, or around 9 thousand U.S. dollars.
The community center is waiting for the donor to tell them how they want the money to be spent.
"If the donor doesn't appear, we'll put the money to good use, thinking that donor didn't want the left hand to know what the right hand was doing."
For those in Gangwon-do who are finding life tough, these acts of kindness could make it easier to get through this freezing winter.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News


