'At a Trump rally a white woman with a BLM shirt on attacked a black mother pushing her toddler in a stroller…Antifa thugs wrestled an American flag from a black woman, wrestled her down to the ground by her hair' Bob Woodson on Tucker Carlson

  • 4 years ago
America had become the least racist, more fair and free country on Earth, then Obama, Oprah and MSM started this attack on our great color-blind, egalitarian society. Now those that divide us talk of uniting? WHILE STILL BEING VIOLENT BIGOTS? 'At a Trump rally a white woman with a BLM shirt on attacked a black mother pushing her toddler in a stroller…Antifa thugs wrestled an American flag from a black woman, wrestled her down to the ground by her hair' Bob Woodson on Tucker Carlson
