[Read] The Modern Deposition Review

  • 4 years ago
Ever since the United States introduced depositions into civil litigation practice in 1938, they have been an invaluable tool of law. They are also a constantly evolving component of the American legal system. As Anthony J. Bocchino and David A. Sonenshein note in The Modern Deposition, the role of depositions may be changing, but lawyers and practices are still mired in the same staid techniques used in preparing them. Their new guide to depositions shows the need for a radical change in the way lawyers think about depositions.Bocchino and Sonenshein examine several key components of the deposition and its transformation:The factors that have led to major changes The usage of deposition testimony in modern litigation The case theory for depositions The keys to deposition preparation The importance of witness preparation The step-by-step process of a modern deposition The substantive issues of witness testimony The techniques of defending depositions The most important tools available to a civil litigator Bocchino and Sonenshein's exploration of the law demonstrates the need for innovation in civil litigation. Depositions must be both complete and comprehensive. The Modern Deposition shows you how to guarantee that they will be!
