Top N. Korean official calls for rebuilding Mt. Geumgang tourist area in regime's "own way"

  • 4 years ago
北총리 "금강산관광지구 우리식으로 건설"…통일부 "만나 협의"
North Korea's state-run news agency is reporting that a senior regime official has called for recreating the Mt. Geumgang tourist area in their own way.
Responding to the development, South Korea urged the North to return to talks at an "appropriate time."
Kim Dami reports.

Visiting tourist sites at Mount Geumgang recently, North Korean Premier Kim Tok-hun reportedly called for remodeling the area into a modern, all-inclusive international tourist and cultural area.
He stressed the area will be recreated (quote) in the regime's own way.
Under yearly and phased plans, the premier also discussed development projects for world-class hotels, golf courses and ski resorts.
This is in line with what the North demanded from the South in late 2019 when it pressed the South remove its facilities at Mount Geumgang.
Seoul requested face-to-face meetings with Pyeongyang in a bid to solve the issue, but after insisting on discussions in writing, the regime eventually suspended the demand in late January because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Observers say these projects could be included in a new five-year plan to be unveiled at the North's Workers' Party congress next month.
That's why watchers believe the regime is once again pushing Seoul to tear down the South Korean-built tour facilities in the area.
Seoul's unification ministry, in response, said the two Koreas share a consensus on the need to solve the Mount Geumgang issue and develop the area into an international tourist spot.
It further voiced hope for meetings and consultations at an appropriate time and in consideration of various situations, including the COVID-19 crisis.
Kim Dami, Arirang News.


