5 Easy Christmas Snacks to Bake at Home

  • 4 years ago
Christmas season
is finally here,
it’s dark and cold
outside, it’s the
perfect weather
to bake some
nice treats.
But to really feel
that Christmas spirit,
here's some ideas
of the best seasonal
snacks, to keep
for yourself or
to send to friends
and family.
You probably know
ginger bread,
but try some
ginger bread
sandwich cookies
for more pleasure.
Add an ultimate
creamy chocolate
frosting in between
and you’ll have
a nice treat to
warm up your soul.
A classic but must
to recipe is the
You can do a
Christmas light
cupcake with
a vanilla frosting
and M&Ms topping.
Not only cute
but also so yummy.
Christmas cookie wreaths
are a thing.
Put some Christmas
cookies together to
form a wreath and
it will be the perfect
decoration to put
on your table.
Drinking your milk
in a cup is
not enough,
so bake some
cookies shots
to drink your
milk from.
It will be a
guaranteed success.
Two words:
chocolate pretzel.
The simplest, the better.
You can put them
together to form reindeers
to spread that holiday spirit!
