How to Reduce Waste During The Holidays?


par Daily-EarthLife

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Christmas traditions involve lights, decorations, cards, events, gifts and we love all of them but let’s be eco-conscious and think about ways to reduce waste.
Instead of using the traditional wrapping paper why not using something reusable like canvas bags? Or a nice cloth that could be used again as well. You’ll be original and making actually two gifts in one!
Put your Christmas lights on a timer. Don’t forget them when you go to bed, you’ll save money and the planet will thank you.
Everyone loves a Christmas card but select your recipients don’t send one to that acquaintance you met at a party 5 years ago. Besides, think about using recycled paper or even better send e-cards.
Don’t forget to recycle your tree. Christmas trees and wreaths are recyclable so call your waste management company to arrange a pick up.
If you need to make a gift to a long-distance relative, why don’t you have them pick their gift at the local store? It’s saving unnecessary shipping resources.