Patty Cordoba | How Does Exercise Effect Insulin Resistance?

  • 4 years ago
Patty Cordoba | In other words your signals are broken. Your body doesn’t receive the message to let sugar in so your body releases more and more insulin because the blood glucose remains high. So what does this all mean when it comes to training?
It is easier than you think to create big issues with your hormones by doing the wrong types of exercises. As women, trying to lose weight we seem to opt for the long bouts of cardio. Trust me, I get it. For years I listened to the “experts” on the internet and people who didn’t understand hormonal disorders. I performed workouts that included light to medium weights, full body workouts with no rest periods, instead I jumped around doing plyometrics to “burn fat”. I did high intensity metabolic workouts on the days in between, I went low, low carb and higher fat. All I got was inflamed, tired, angry, and no weight loss.
