• 5 years ago
The Adventures of Thomas and Felix Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Ten year old Thomas has a best friend: Felix the Fox. But his parents want him to make “real friends”, so they send him to summer camp. He hates it. After a midnight escape, Thomas & Felix find themselves deep in the forest, where they pursue a mythical being called the Totem & plan to catch it.
But it turns out the Totem is realer than real, sparking Thomasʼ wonder and doubling the challenge. One enchanted night they finally encounter the Totem— elusive but playful. It shows them a magic that lets them rise above the treetops. Thomas and Felix are in awe, but Thomas sees an opportunity to run away even further. Felix protests, and tumbles into the trees below.
Thomas, shaken, searches desperately for Felix. The Totem comes to his aid, and they retrieve him together. But Felix is different, transformed-- he belongs here in the forest. Thomas finally realizes: he must stop running. He must let go of Felix and return, to try and see the friends that are all around him.
