Dr. Luis Agote blood bank in Buenos Aires 1973

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist José Manuel Carrizo comments: "In Caseros 2081, in the Federal Capital, there is a blood bank called Dr. Luis Agote, which really has particular characteristics. The donors who are volunteers are received by a An employee who takes the data to find out if they are in a condition to give blood. They must be between 18 and 60 years old, and it is also determined if they had any serious illness. Later, the doctor interrogates them, who also controls the weight and pressure of the Then perhaps the most important step is carried out, the extraction of blood. The blood is later examined to determine the blood group and finally collected in plastic bags that protect cells and platelets. It is stored at a low temperature to ensure optimal conditions. " Report on Dr. Trapani, in which he is asked: - Many times urgent requests for blood come to the media; Is this institution in a position to satisfy those requests? -Doctor, is that blood given free? -What do they require of the donor? - Is it true that in some places in our country blood is sold? -Why? -Doctor, what is meant by fresh blood? -Do you give fresh blood? -Who can donate? -Is there a deficit of voluntary donors? -Why? (José Manuel Carrizo)
Detail: Close-up of a poster placed in front of the institute and on it you can see the writing: "CORDIC Confederation. CORDIC Hemotherapy Center. Dr. Luis Agote Blood Bank". General views of a woman taking data from a man. Close-ups of a doctor taking a man's blood pressure. General views of two men lying on a gurney, where their blood is drawn. General views of a woman examining blood and placing it in a refrigerator.
Date: 8/19/1971
Duration: 2 minutes 41 seconds
Film Code: B-08785

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