Trump Tops List as 'Most Admired Man in America' in Annual Gallop Survey

  • 4 years ago
Trump Tops List as
'Most Admired Man in America', in Annual Gallop Survey.
1,018 adults were surveyed for
the poll during the first half of December.
18 percent of the respondents named
President Donald Trump as the
"most admired man in America.".
It is the first time in 12
years that Trump received
a higher percentage than
former President Barack Obama.
15 percent of respondents named Obama
as the "most admired man in America.".
The margin of error for the poll is
plus or minus four percentage points.
President-elect Joe Biden was named
"most admired man in America"
by six percent of the respondents.
Three percent
of respondents
gave the title to
Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Two percent chose
Pope Francis.
Michelle Obama was named "most admired woman in America" for the third straight year
