Documentaire Court métrage "Amor Tarahumara" University Work 2001

  • hace 4 años
Documentaire Court métrage "Amor Tarahumara" University Work 2001
00:01Love is crying,
00:03When it says goodbye to us. Love is dreaming.
00:08Hearing a song. Love is praying with the heart.
00:15It is forgiving me and understanding you.
00:21Love is stopping
00:23Time on a clock, it is looking for a place to hear your voice.
00:30Love is creating a world between the two.
00:35It is to forgive me and understand you.
00:56Love Tarahumara
01:01Well, love is loving two people.
01:07Love is sharing with another person, part of their lives.
01:14Love is a matter of ...
01:16Of trying to get to what is being referred to by the word love
01:21and then the love that we could say sensual, which goes from the senses of one person to another
01:30Part of what one is, and tend towards an
01:34interpersonal relationship and affection.
01:39That is. Okay.
01:41If one is referring to a commitment.
01:45A goal that is happiness with others.
01:50life . And they say they want Ware'ma
01:53with a partner and with a family and with a community.
01:57Here it is not just with the couple, nor with the children, but with the whole community.
02:04The Tarahumara cannot live alone. He does
02:08not ask for the Christian sacrament of marriage.
02:11If it is very very difficult, because one does not understand many things, nor ways of seeing.
02:17to say before the western world has values ​​and the world, Rarámuri has other values.
02:23But they don't do it in the same way that we do.
02:26And then there I am seeing, well, you pay a few pesos and you sleep with a woman.
02:31That is the mestizo world.
02:34Centuries pass and nature is preserved.
02:38Wherever the white man arrives, destruction and desolation begin.
02:42They are two different worlds.
02:44Let everyone go home.
04:43The lovers are silent.
04:49Love is the finest silence, the most trembling.
04:59The most unbearable.
05:31The lovers leave their caves trembling, hungry, to hunt ghosts.
05:37They laugh at people who know everything, those who truly love in perpetuity,
05:44those who believe in love as in an inexhaustible oil lamp.
05:49The lovers play to catch the water, to tattoo the smoke.
05:53Not to leave. They play the long
05:56The Sad Game of Love.
07:07The lovers begin to sing between their lips an unlearned song.
07:45And they go crying,
07:47Crying ...
07:59The beautiful life ...
