Full E-book Hippo: The Human Focused Digital Book For Free

  • 4 years ago
Don't do things better, do better things.(TM)Digital technology. It has crept into our lives, and so deeply has it penetrated us, that it has completely redesigned it. In the deep oceans and the high skies, it is now as elemental in our landscape as the wind and falling rain. It's not going to stop. Due to the way civilisations progress, we are about to zip-line and observe more change in the next ten years, than of the last hundred. But how do we prevent this acceleration from eroding away our humanity? As technology becomes increasingly immaterial, ask this: does the technology we've created add more layers of confusion? When we strip away all the technology, what are we left with? The same thing we started with - people. Incorporating the psychological and philosophical fields into the design process, Pete Trainor takes us back to the fundamental questions, that drive us, and through a journey of design thinking, he asks one simple question, the one we have asked through all times... why?
