Magic Max (2021) Drama Movie
After a tragic loss of both parents, 11-year-old Tim Hart is forced to live with his immensely immature Uncle Max, a second rate magician. and who, with the help of his nephew, tries to cultivate his last hand at love.
Director: James D. Fields
Writers: Mark Cramer, Kathryn Dahlstrom
Stars: Lotus Blossom, Barry Corbin, Sally Kirkland
After a tragic loss of both parents, 11-year-old Tim Hart is forced to live with his immensely immature Uncle Max, a second rate magician. and who, with the help of his nephew, tries to cultivate his last hand at love.
Director: James D. Fields
Writers: Mark Cramer, Kathryn Dahlstrom
Stars: Lotus Blossom, Barry Corbin, Sally Kirkland
Short film