
  • 3 years ago
Follow these easy-to-do tips and get rid of your tummy in 10 days!
Drink lots of water
Water is essential for our system, as around 70% of our body constitutes water. However, too much of anything does not work. So, have around 2.5 to 3.5 litres of water every day. And make sure you avoid drinking cold water. Normal or lukewarm water will help you stay slimmer. Water flushes out toxins and hydrates the system. If you don’t like water, sip on herbal and green tea. Deepshikha Agarwal, sports nutritionist, advocates going the anti-oxidant way with this. “This is a delicious way to include anti-oxidants in your diet. It can work wonders for your immune and digestive system.”
Cut down on carbs
Many believe that going on a zero-carbs diet will help in a miraculous way. While one should cut down on it for quick results, the no-carbs way is a strict no-no. Pooja Makhija, clinical nutritionist, explains, “Carbs are our energy givers and should contribute 65-70% of the total calorie intake in a day. One can only improve stamina if one includes carbs in every meal, every day! Weight loss will also follow suit when the body is fuelled optimally to be able to burn fat.”

Increase protein intake
Have baked chicken or fish with steamed vegetables for lunch and dinner. Skimmed milk and milk products work too. Having a protein-rich diet makes you feel full for longer. Make sure you include egg whites in your breakfast. Have small portions and ensure that you have at least five to six meals.

Stay away from fad diets
Crash diets can be extremely harmful, so stay away from them completely. Dr Smita Naram, Ayurvedic physician, says, “A diet with a combination of 30% protein, 60% vegetables and 10% carbohydrates is most beneficial for reducing weight.” Eating regular food every two-three hours (don’t go for snacking in between) is great when it comes to losing weight.

Eat slowly
Eat slowly and stop eating when you are about 70 to 80% full. Do not overeat. Eating fast and gulping down food results eating much more than our body needs.

Walk, and then walk some more
Go for a 45-minute brisk walk in the morning or evening. Wear clothes that are not too tight and comfortable shoes that are meant for walking. Start with a 30-minute walk and extend it to 45 minutes or one hour. Do this for 10 days without fail.

Crunches can save your day
Don’t have time for the gym? Just do some warm-up exercises and then target your paunch — do crunches (See box). Do this everyday — twice a day if possible. (After all, you want to lose that paunch in 10 days, don’t you?) Throughout the day, whether you are sitting or walking around, make sure that you pull in your stomach and keep your back straight.

Take up a de-stressing activity
Stress and depression can lead to a lot of unwarranted emotional eating. So, de-stress. Take up a favourite activity — do some meditation, read a book, watch some romantic comedies, play with your dog or take up a yoga or dance class.

Stay away from temptat
