Jolly, Goldie and Camomile have sneaked into the Queen’s castle in order to retrieve a letter that Richard has written to Snow White. Unfortunately, just as they nearly complete their mission, they are then sighted by Chrystel, who calls her guards and orders them to search every nook and cranny until the intruders are apprehended. In the meantime, Vet does everything possible to make sure Snow White does not notice that the three heroes are missing. But the princess suspects something has happened to them and, sick with worry, runs out of the all-concealing fog in the forest so that she is then seen and pinpointed by her step mother’s mirror. After several close shaves, our heroes get their hands on the letter, escape from the castle, and reach the woods safe and sound. Snow White is in seventh heaven, but unfortunately for her, Chrystel questions the mirror and discovers the location of the girl’s hideaway.
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