DRILL IT Movie (2021) trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The film follows the story of Michael a sixteen-year-old boy from an under privileged area of London. He has dreams of becoming a Drill artist and practices amateurly at any given opportunity. Michael is a low standing member of a gang which he sees as a way to begin making drill music, this being the form of communication used by rival gangs to communicate. He finds himself challenged when he is asked to commit a violent crime in order to be fully initiated into the gang with the reward being an opportunity to record music. Michael realises he has to make a choice for the first time in his life, he must decide whether to do the right thing.
Directed by Jo Morris
Starring Josiah Oladoyin, Joshua Teya, Tommy Oldroyd, Jake McDaid
Directed by Jo Morris
Starring Josiah Oladoyin, Joshua Teya, Tommy Oldroyd, Jake McDaid
Short film