5 best yoga poses for beginners

  • 3 years ago
Here are a few 5 Best Yoga Poses that can help you get started for Beginners.
1.utthita hasta padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose),
2.vasisthasana (Side Plank pose is a balancing asana in modern yoga as exercise.),
3.sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Yoga)
4.utkatasana (Chair Pose)
5.uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

More Check: https://bit.ly/new-yoga-burn

These beginner yoga poses will help you create a strong foundation and find a love for the practice.
Yoga can be used for relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, stretching exercises, etc. While practicing yoga exercises, health benefits of yoga.

#yoga #sarvangasana #vasisthasana #utkatasana #uttanasana #utthita-hasta-padangusthasana
#fitness #exercise
