«Се ля ви» говорят, когда ничего нельзя поделать, и остаётся лишь смириться с судьбой и принять жизнь такой, какая она есть. Снежана Соболева обладает сильным характером и не собирается мириться с ударами судьбы. Но ей предстоит сделать выбор, который окажет серьезное влияние на дальнейшую жизнь ее и ее близких. Начав движение по трудному пути, она не знает, что ждет ее в финале личное счастье или очередное разочарование.
“Ce la vie” is said when nothing can be done, and all that remains is to come to terms with fate and accept life as it is. Snezhana Soboleva has a strong character and is not going to endure the blows of fate. But she has to make a choice that will seriously affect the future life of her and her loved ones. Having started moving along a difficult path, she does not know what personal happiness or other disappointment awaits her in the finale.
“Ce la vie” is said when nothing can be done, and all that remains is to come to terms with fate and accept life as it is. Snezhana Soboleva has a strong character and is not going to endure the blows of fate. But she has to make a choice that will seriously affect the future life of her and her loved ones. Having started moving along a difficult path, she does not know what personal happiness or other disappointment awaits her in the finale.
Short film