• 4 years ago
This little boy was busy making a card. When his mom asked him about love, he explained what one would do on Valentine's day. Then he went on to explain how he would express his love. Adorably, he told his mom he loved her.


00:00 Yeah, I'll call you. But Levi, can you explain to me what is love?
00:05 Love means love. I want to explain to you what is Valentine's Day.
00:13 Yeah, what's Valentine's Day?
00:15 It's like you make a heart for your grandma so they can see it.
00:22 And you show it to everyone and make a cake so they can eat it too.
00:28 And then they go and it's Valentine's Day and you're sleeping and then Valentine's Day you make a heart
00:41 and then you go to grandma to give it to her.
00:44 Oh, okay. Thank you for telling me about Valentine's Day, but what is love?
00:49 Love means you love people and they really love you.
01:00 And they very love you.
01:02 And they love themselves.
01:05 And they love themselves.
01:07 Yeah, that's love.
01:08 How do you show people you love them?
01:10 I show them like this.
01:12 "Mama, I really love you." That's how you need to talk after you see someone and you really love them.
01:25 They came to your house and say, "Mama, Papa, Leo, Vivi, Levi, thank you for coming. I was really missing you."
01:37 Yeah.
01:38 That means one love.
01:40 And in Russian, what does love mean?
01:44 Love means you need to choose who you can call me.
01:50 That means what that means.
01:53 And who do you love the most?
01:55 You.
01:56 You love me?
01:58 And Mama.
01:59 And Mama. Thank you, my sweet. I love you.
