Alan Watts - Everything About Money, Wealth and Capitalism | Full Lecture

  • 4 years ago
Alan Watts examines money, and explores topics such as technological automation and universal basic income, the origins of guilt, as well as the question: “Are we going to make it with this system ?”
What is money ? What is wealth ? What is the basic form of capitalism and its different mechanisms ? How does it work ?
Alan Watts goes even deeper in his lecture, by talking about ways to make money and develop ones finances and financial activities. In the same way, Alan Watts shows how Money and Wealth are associated to the feeling of Guilt and the feeling of evil.

It is not easy, but a lot of work needs to be done. And this video just shows you everything that you need to work on, in a motivational speech, making us understand how to lead a marvelous life.
We have resolved and tuned the sound quality, we have written down all the subtitles for the entire speech, and compiled it and edited it completely, to facilitate the understanding and educate people better.

Alan Watts advances, in this lecture, the major problems of modern society, on their head MONEY and FINANCES. In which he talks about different concepts such as work, job, rat race ... etc.
But money and our psychological attitude to money is a major obstacle to a proper development of technology, enabling it to do what it is supposed to do, that is, to save labor and to produce goods, services, and so on adequately.
So how to resolve this issue ? We need first to understand the major questions surrounding these issues :
What is money ? What is wealth ? What is the basic form of capitalism and its different mechanisms ? How does it work ?

Alan Watts show how money is a piece of paper. And money is nothing but an index, a logical way of measuring wealth. It not wealth itself. Most of our crisis are nothing but illusory misconceptions and misuse of money as a measurement ruler of wealth.
Alan Watts show how technology is able to resolve all the economical issues surrounding our world. But money and modern capitalism, that is based on an old way of doing things, instead of making modern workflows using modern technologies, thus making everyone benefit from the economical growth.

Alan Watts. Lecture. Motivation. Meditation. Money. Wealth. Finance. Bank. Economics. Education. Job. Work. Rat Race. Teaching. Life. Religion. God. Guilt. Capitalism. Way. Really

Alan Watts. Freud. Marchall Mcluhan. Robert Theobalt. Richard Buckminster Fuller. Frederick Soddy. Major Douglas. Silvio Gesell. Ted Sorensen. Raymond Moley. Zhuang Zhou. Cedric Hardwicke. Meister Eckhart.

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