• 4 years ago
Heartworn Highways Documentary movie trailer - Plot synopsis: In the mid-‘70s, filmmaker James Szalapski documented the then-nascent country music movement that would become known as “outlaw country.” Inspired, in part, by newly-long-haired Willie Nelson’s embrace of hippie attitudes and audiences, a younger generation of artists including Townes Van Zandt, David Alan Coe, Steve Earle and Guy Clark popularized and developed the outlaw sound. It borrowed from rock, folk and bluegrass, with an edge that was missing from mainstream Nashville country. This newly-restored documentary includes rarely-captured performances of the aforementioned musicians as they perfected this then-new style and helped change the course of country music history.

Director James Szalapski
Actors Townes Van Zandt, Steve Earle, David Alan Coe, Guy Clark, Rodney Crowell, Larry Jon Wilson, Charlie Daniels
Genre Documentary, Musical
Run Time 1 hour 32 minutes
