BTS _ Seoul Music Awards - WHOSFANDOM AWARD

  • 3 years ago

NJ: You all, you haven't heard of it yet, right?
SJ: Heard of?
NJ: They're saying BTS won the WhosFandom award!
JM: It's an award ARMY won!
TH: Right, it's picked directly by the fans so it's an even more meaningful award!
TH: ARMY you all, I purple you so much.
SJ: Since ARMY you all are always watching over us and loving us so much, even though we are far apart from each other, we can always feel your love!
JM: As we couldn't meet you personally in 2020, it felt like an unfortunate year but because you still always cheered for us and loved us, we could continue to show you good music and performances. I always want to say thank you and love you to you guys.
HS: I hope we can do great performances this year in front of your for sure.
NJ: Please!
HS: Until then, please take care of your health!
JK: In 2021 too, to our ARMYs who always love us, we'll do our best to become the BTS that shows you great sides of us. Thank you!
NJ: ARMY, sincerely thank you and I love you. Honestly, just like this award's name and how Jimin always says “Our ARMY received an award”, we'll think of this award as an award you received!
NJ: Let's purple each other a lot while waiting for the day until we meet again.
JM: Purple you!
BTS: Purple you!