• 3 years ago
UFO Sighting Over Anaheim, California USA on January 25, 2021. Witness report as follows "Hello. im not sure if this is the correct email. ive attached a video that i captured using an iphone 12pro at 8:50p on monday january 25, 2021. i live in anaheim california and was standing in my backyard and while looking toward the east and toward riverside or san bernardino areas i saw an orange light that looked just like fire from a distance. in fact at first i thought it could have been an airplane on fire. so after watching it for about 20 seconds as it appeared to wobble and slow down then speed up i started to video it. the video is 43 seconds and it ends after the light looks like it almost burns out into the sky. i looked and looked for several minutes afterward and didnt see anything along the path it was traveling on."


