Master Speaker of Nation Of Islam Farrakhan

  • 3 years ago
1 Master Speaker of Nation Of Islam Farrakhan
#1MasterSpeakerOfNationOfIslamFarrakhan - Louis Farrakhan Sr., formerly known as Louis X, is an American religious leader and political activist who heads the Nation of Islam. Earlier in his career, he served as the minister of mosques in Boston and Harlem and was appointed National Representative of the Nation of Islam by former NOI leader Elijah Muhammad. Wikipedia
Born: May 11, 1933 (age 87 years), The Bronx, New York, NY
Spouse: Khadijah Farrakhan (m. 1953)
Children: Donna Farrakhan Muhammad, Mustapha Farrakhan, MORE

(CNN) — Farrakhan was named for Louis Walcott, the man his mother became involved with after his biological father, Percival Clark, deserted them.
The Walcott family moved from the Bronx to the Roxbury neighborhood in Boston during the mid-1930s.
He won a track scholarship to college in North Carolina.
Farrakhan is an accomplished classical violinist who began playing at the age of 5. He is also a singer, songwriter, playwright and film producer. Farrakhan wrote two plays, “The Trial” and “Orgena.” (“A Negro” spelled backward).
Farrakhan is known for having preached anti-Semitic, anti-White, anti-Catholic and anti-homosexual rhetoric.
1955 - Joins the Nation of Islam (NOI) and adopts the name Louis X.
December 4, 1964 - Condemns rival Malcolm X in the NOI newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, saying “the die is set and Malcolm shall not escape… such a man is worthy of death.”
February 21, 1965 - Malcolm X is assassinated. Louis X replaces him as the national spokesman of the NOI.
Late 1960s - Takes the name Louis Abdul Farrakhan.
Late 1970s - Farrakhan has a falling out with NOI leader, Wallace Deen Muhammad, who wants to move the NOI away from racial separatist teachings to a more conventional and racially inclusive Islam. The dispute leads to the formation of two rival groups. Farrakhan becomes head of the NOI, while Muhammad becomes the head of the World Community of al-Islam.
December 1983 - Accompanies Jesse Jackson and other clergy to Syria to negotiate the release of US Navy pilot Lt. Robert O. Goodman.
1984 - Months after Jesse Jackson came under heavy fire for his off-the-record comments that were later published in the Washington Post, referring to Jews by the insulting nickname “Hymie” and New York as “Hymietown,” Farrakhan, during his weekly radio broadcast, comes to Jackson’s defense claiming Judaism is a “gutter religion” and supporters of Israel are criminals in the sight of God.
May 1, 1985 - Announces acceptance of a $5 million interest-free loan from Libyan president Moammar Gadhafi.


