The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935) | Full Movie | Herman Brix, Ula Holt, Ashton Dearholt part 2/2

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Watch the 1935 Hollywood classic movie, The New Adventures of Tarzan.

Tarzan, who has returned to Africa after living in England, sets off to Guatemala in search of an old friend who may have survived a plane crash there. Also in Guatemala are Ula Vale and Major Martling who are out to find the riches of the Green Goddess. They join forces after they learn that a competitor, Raglan, has already set out ahead of them. Tarzan has to rescue everyone after they are taken prisoner. When they get to the hidden city, Tarzan finds his friend alive and the fabulous treasure.

Movie Name: The New Adventures of Tarzan
Stars: Bruce Bennett aka Herman Brix, Ula Holt, Ashton Dearholt
Director: Edward A. Kull