Best Jobs for Travel Lovers

  • 3 years ago
You’re not the type to sit behind a desk all day and you’re obsessed with travelling? Here are some jobs you can do to make your passion a career choice.
Working on a cruise line allows you to travel the world while making a living and having food and accommodation for free. You can work at the shop, restaurant or on the ship crew. There are plenty of opportunities!
You can work as an event coordinator and plan international events like festivals or trade shows. This can allow you to travel as you’ll need to see the event location.
Becoming a flight attendant may be the easiest way to travel the most. Working hours are erratic but you’ll be travelling on a daily basis.
If you’re skilled with a camera, why not being a photographer? You’ll be travelling the world in order the capture different cities, cultures and monuments.
Travel agents are not dead despite what we may think and offer a great deal of travel opportunities as they’ll need to visit destinations, test hotels and restaurants before recommending them.
