JE suis toujours là

  • il y a 3 ans
Une grand-mère et ses petits fils prennent le thé. La conversation s'oriente rapidement vers l'héritage mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses.
00:08You're not the only one honey, the whole tourism industry is struggling right now.
00:12 You know life isn't about waiting for thunderstorms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
00:19Granny, you won't mind lending me some cash, I'll give it back to you later, I promise
00:23No grandma, you give her nothing!
00:25No, but what are you meddling with! Sir, I'm a pensioner !
00:29Do you think grandma like being the banker every Sunday? She doesn't dare say no to you that's all ...
00:33What about me, do you think it amuses me to have to ask?
00:36You should be inspired by me, I don't need to ask my grandma for money. I invested ... as soon as I could.
00:42Well, me no, we're not all lucky to have received a scholarship.
00:44But with you we're used to it. As they say, fortune comes by sleeping, but not by sleeping alone.
00:54You know Otero !
00:56Read in a chocolate.
00:58Seriously! And what's the connection there?
01:00And what is that implied. Your brother had a plan, so, yes, I loaned him some money.
01:07Okay listen kids, it's going a bit far there.
01:10But that's okay, it makes me happy. And then what I give you, the taxes won't get it, that's always a win!
01:18But he has to take his responsibilities, can't you see he's taking advantage of you!
01:22When you're no longer there grandma, he's going to squander everything.
01:24She's not dead yet.
01:27Wait, what is your idea, that she gives you everything?
01:29Well that would be more judicious and clearly .. we would all save time.
01:39Well, well I'll go to bed later.
01:46Chance card. Come on, I'll read it.
01:51You inherit from your grandmother, receive 20,000 Euros.