• 4 years ago
Krishna Karna is part of the greatest epic of the Indian subcontinent – The Mahabharata. The audio play is about an elaborate conversation between Karna & Krishna the two absolute pivotal characters of the said epic.
As per the epic, after a series of meeting that Karna had with Kunti & Draupadi, it was now the turn for Krishna to convince Karna to change his mind and fight in favor of Pandavas instead. However Karna refuses the request which reflects his valour & selflessness which eventually was his sacrifice for his friend Duryadhan. Though failed to convince Karna, however Krishna said that in the mind of mankind, Karna would ever remain as a great shining but a defeated warrior.
The presentation is in form of a ‘shruti natak’ (audio play) and is presented by Sri Debshankar Haldar & Sri Robin Majumdar.

