This is a video of a cute animal African elephant.
The African elephant is the largest animal on land with a body length of 4 to 5 m and a weight of 4 to 7 tons. It lives in African savanna and forests, and females and pups live in groups of 10 to 40, and adult males live apart.
Eat 130-150 kg of grass, tree branches and leaves, fruits, etc. a day for 14-18 hours.
Drink 100-200 liters of water.
It is a small meal compared to the weight.
Instead of having poor eyesight, they have good noses and ears, and it is said that they can talk with friends 10 km away with a low voice that cannot be heard by humans.
Lifespan is 60-70 years, about the same as us humans.
Tobu Zoo was opened in Saitama Prefecture in 1981 as a project to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Tobu Railway.
A zoo, an amusement park, a large pool in the summer, and a hybrid leisure land that you can enjoy all year round.
There are 1200 animals of 120 species in the zoo. You can also experience contact such as feeding, and children will be delighted!
In addition, the diverse lineup can be enjoyed by both couples and families.
That's right, let's go to Tobu Zoo, date and with children ♡
かわいい動物 アフリカゾウの動画です。
アフリカゾウは、体長4〜5m 体重4〜7t 陸上で最も大きな動物で、アフリカのサバンナや森林にすみ、メスと仔は10〜40頭の群れで生活し、成獣のオスは離れて暮らします。
寿命は60〜70 歳で、私たち人間と同じくらいです。
子供が大好きな動物園 A zoo that kids love
観光スポット Tourist attractions
お遊びスポットランド Playspotland
#zoo #elephant #ゾウ #東武動物公園 #動物園
happy zoo 18
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The African elephant is the largest animal on land with a body length of 4 to 5 m and a weight of 4 to 7 tons. It lives in African savanna and forests, and females and pups live in groups of 10 to 40, and adult males live apart.
Eat 130-150 kg of grass, tree branches and leaves, fruits, etc. a day for 14-18 hours.
Drink 100-200 liters of water.
It is a small meal compared to the weight.
Instead of having poor eyesight, they have good noses and ears, and it is said that they can talk with friends 10 km away with a low voice that cannot be heard by humans.
Lifespan is 60-70 years, about the same as us humans.
Tobu Zoo was opened in Saitama Prefecture in 1981 as a project to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Tobu Railway.
A zoo, an amusement park, a large pool in the summer, and a hybrid leisure land that you can enjoy all year round.
There are 1200 animals of 120 species in the zoo. You can also experience contact such as feeding, and children will be delighted!
In addition, the diverse lineup can be enjoyed by both couples and families.
That's right, let's go to Tobu Zoo, date and with children ♡
かわいい動物 アフリカゾウの動画です。
アフリカゾウは、体長4〜5m 体重4〜7t 陸上で最も大きな動物で、アフリカのサバンナや森林にすみ、メスと仔は10〜40頭の群れで生活し、成獣のオスは離れて暮らします。
寿命は60〜70 歳で、私たち人間と同じくらいです。
子供が大好きな動物園 A zoo that kids love
観光スポット Tourist attractions
お遊びスポットランド Playspotland
#zoo #elephant #ゾウ #東武動物公園 #動物園
happy zoo 18
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