Arvind Kejriwal Says Govt Will Be Forced To Arrest If Stamped People Dont Follow Home Quarantine

  • 3 years ago
Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal on March 19 said that the government has started stamping people who have been asked to stay in home quarantine upon their arrival in India. Kejriwal also said that the government will take strict action against those who flee quarantine. Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister, Delhi said, “People at the airports are being stamped for home quarantine. If you find someone with a stamp in his or her hand then please ask the person to go home. If this is not followed then the government will be forced to take strict action. You can be arrested and FIR can also be registered against you.” The Delhi CM ordered the closing of all restaurants. Take away of food or delivery of food will continue. He further added that all the educational institutions will remain closed till March 31.
