After catching Jackie in a fib, Stu makes her swear to always tell the truth. Keeping her promise, she proceeds to cause a fight between Drexel and Joyce, insult a tacky-dressing neighbor, and tell rude Uncle George what everyone really thinks of him.
Directed by Howard Bretherton
Starring Stuart Erwin, June Collyer, Ann E. Todd
Stuart Erwin as Stu Erwin
June Collyer as June Erwin
Ann E. Todd as Joyce Erwin
Sheila James Kuehl as Jackie Erwin
Willie Best as Willie
Merry Anders as Joyce Erwin
Harry Hayden as Harry Johnson
Frank Jaquet as George Selkirk
Effie Laird as Adele Johnson
Martin Milner as Drexel Potter
Directed by Howard Bretherton
Starring Stuart Erwin, June Collyer, Ann E. Todd
Stuart Erwin as Stu Erwin
June Collyer as June Erwin
Ann E. Todd as Joyce Erwin
Sheila James Kuehl as Jackie Erwin
Willie Best as Willie
Merry Anders as Joyce Erwin
Harry Hayden as Harry Johnson
Frank Jaquet as George Selkirk
Effie Laird as Adele Johnson
Martin Milner as Drexel Potter
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