Martin Kane - Season 4 - Episode 24 - Eyewitness Resurfaces | Walter Kinsella, Nicholas Saunders

Ginnymelany 7511
Ginnymelany 7511
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3 yıl önce
A hotel waiter and a nervous bookkeeper testify against a criminal ringleader in a sensational murder trial. After the killer is convicted he threatens the lives of the witnesses and, after he escapes from prison, appears to be carrying out his threats when one of the witnesses, the wife of a witness and a police detective are all shot. While the police try to locate the escapee, Kane wonders if the shootings were, in fact, related to the murder trial.

Private detective Martin Kane works in New York solving crimes. Depending on the year, Kane was either smooth and suave or hard bitten and the cooperation he received from the police depended on the year. The only constant was Happy McMann's tobacco shop where Kane hung out.

Directed by Frank Burns

Walter Kinsella as Happy McMann
Nicholas Saunders as Sgt. Ross
King Calder as Lt. Grey
William Gargan as Martin Kane
Lloyd Nolan as Martin Kane
Frank M. Thomas as Capt. Burke
