Finance for Nonfinancial Managers: Beginner's Handbook for Finance Review

  • 3 years ago
Finance for Nonfinancial Managers Finance made simple for YOU!Quick reference finance handbook to help you understand and manage the financial accounting side of your business or job responsibilities. Enable you ask informed questions when financial information such as periodical MIS report, quarterly financial performance report or yearly audited financial report is presented for your approval.How the chapters are arranged"CHAPTERS I to IV" - Gain essential knowledge on Concepts & Financial Statement presentation format"CHAPTERS V to VII" - Empower yourself, learn to read & interpret Financial Statements"CHAPTER VIII" - Working Capital management, gain control on day to day financial management"CHAPTER IX" - Planning & Control & steer your business with Budgeting"CHAPTER X" - Break-Even Analysis for enlightened business decisions"CHAPTER XI" - Gain insight into techniques for choosing the right investment option"CHAPTER XII" - Know the essentials of Bank Borrowings Topics covered Chapter I Financial Statements, an Introduction Chapter II Balance Sheet Chapter III Profit and Loss Account Chapter IV Cash Flow Statement Chapter V How to Read Financial Statements Chapter VI MIS Reports Chapter VII Ratio Analysis Chapter VIII Working Capital Management Chapter IX Budgeting Chapter X Break-Even Analysis Chapter XI Capital Expenditure Planning Chapter XII How to Borrow from Banks Begin enjoy working with Financial Prudence!
