Man Gets Caught While Attempting To Open a Car And Hits Hydrant As He Attempted To Escape

  • 3 years ago
This man was caught while attempting to break inside a vehicle. He was asked different questions by the person and was warned about the police as well. The man ran inside his car and drove off but hit the hydrant while reversing it. This incident caused a huge dent in the man's car.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00 How you doing?
00:04 What's your name?
00:05 I got you on film.
00:07 I'm calling the police on you.
00:10 Why are you checking people's cars?
00:12 Yeah, I just got film of you looking at my car over there.
00:16 Yeah, I got film of you over there.
00:24 You just went in my car over there.
00:26 Yeah, I got you.
00:29 Yeah, I got you.
00:31 [Music]
00:36 [Music]
