Two Guys Gift Customized Trike to Friend with Cerebral Palsy

  • 3 years ago
These two guys visited their friend with cerebral palsy to surprise him with a gift. They gave him a trike that one of them customized for him. He was ecstatic to receive such a thoughtful gift and immediately started riding it on the street.
00:00 Donnie?
00:02 What the hell?
00:04 What?
00:10 What are you guys up to?
00:12 Oh, nothing.
00:14 You guys are up to something.
00:16 Come on in.
00:18 No, come on out.
00:20 Why am I up to something?
00:22 What the?
00:24 No way.
00:28 No freaking way.
00:30 Oh my.
00:32 Oh my god.
00:34 Whoa.
00:38 This is badass.
00:40 Holy.
00:42 It's beautiful.
00:44 We kind of BMX'd it up for you.
00:46 We hope it fits right.
00:48 Yeah, we'll adjust it for you
00:50 and make sure that you're comfortable and stuff.
00:52 I love it.
00:54 Man, it's so old school.
00:56 Oh my god.
00:58 So what you're saying is just get rid of it,
01:00 take it home, you don't want it.
01:02 I want it.
01:04 I love it.
01:06 Let's get it out of there.
01:08 Oh man.
01:10 Oh dude.
01:12 This is a...
01:14 You knew about this.
01:16 You knew.
01:18 You tricked me.
01:22 You.
01:24 You.
01:26 Oh my god.
01:30 I got this side.
01:32 I got it.
01:34 It's actually not that heavy.
01:36 We're not sure how you're going to do on it,
01:38 but we're hoping you can get used to it.
01:40 Looks well.
01:42 It might need some adjustment.
01:44 Oh yeah.
01:48 Yeah.
01:50 This is the best thing ever.
01:52 How's that feel?
01:54 It feels good.
01:56 Actually, he's perfect on it.
01:58 Yeah.
02:00 You're better on it than we were.
02:02 This guy with the leaf blower.
02:04 He's better on it than we were.
02:06 I'm going to put it on the back.
02:18 Just for a minute.
02:20 Hold off.
02:22 No problem.
02:24 Thank you.
02:26 Now we all have to go for a ride.
02:36 Yeah.
02:38 He's going to take that bike that he brought you before,
02:40 and I brought mine,
02:42 and we're going to ride around the neighborhood.
02:44 Hey Chris.
02:46 (slicing)
