• 4 years ago
How to Wear a Paddle Holster

This video is completely opinion based and the methods described are for educational and informational purposes only.

How to Wear a Paddle Holster

Paddle holsters are a popular choice for carrying handguns due to their convenience and comfort. This type of holster holds the firearm on the outside of your waistband using nothing more than the tension produced by the rigid paddle shaped structure on the side of the holster. Theyre easy to clip in place and remove but it may take a bit of work to position and conceal them effectively. Also no matter what type of holster you use always make firearm safety your first priority. Choose a compact handgun to holster if concealment is important. Most paddle holsters will hold the pistol low and angle it away from your body. As a result the bottom of the holster and/or firearm has a tendency to peek out from beneath the average shirt or jacket when the holster is used for a long barreled pistol.

Buy a paddle holster suited to your chosen handgun. Paddle holsters are made by several manufacturers and come in different sizes and styles to suit different handguns and different needs. When possible buy a holster that is designed specifically for your chosen handgun.

Select a sturdy belt and pants that have a slightly loose fit at the waist. Because the paddle portion of the holster goes inside your waistband you dont want to use pants that are super snug at the waist. Otherwise the paddle may cause discomfort. At the same time though the weight of the holster and gun may cause pants that are too loose to droop. So go for pants that fit but give you a little breathing room.

Pick a loose shirt or jacket that will conceal your holster. Since this is an outside the waistband OWB holster you will need to wear a long loose top like a blazer or jacket in order to conceal the pistol and holster. To really hide the holstered weapon effectively you may need to buy outerwear that is slightly longer and more flowing than normal.

This video contains a digital rendering of a celebrity personalities likeness and voice for comedic and satirical value. The opinions and information expressed in this video are not representative of those of the actual celebrity personality. No affiliation exists between the celebrity personality and the producer of this video.