Mexico Set to Legalize Marijuana, Could Become Largest Market in the World

  • 3 years ago
Mexico Set to Legalize Marijuana, , Could Become Largest Market in the World.
The measure will allow Mexican citizens
with a permit to use marijuana... .
... and grow a small number of
cannabis plants for personal use.
With this, the false belief that cannabis is part of Mexico’s serious public health problems is left behind, Simey Olvera, Mexico Lawmaker,
via 'The New York Times'.
[For] Mexico, given its size and its worldwide reputation for being damaged by the drug war, to take this step is enormously significant, John Walsh, Washington Office on Latin America,
via 'The New York Times'.
Once passed, Mexico will be the third nation
in the Americas to have taken such a measure,
joining Canada and Uruguay.
The move could influence the
growing call for full federal marijuana
legalization in the U.S.
Critics of the legislation in Mexico refer to the bill
as a "political fad," saying that it is unlikely to
curb drug cartel violence in the country
