• 4 years ago
How to Meditate in Sahaja Yoga

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The CURIOUS Case Of Meditate in Sahaja Yoga, Is Sahaja Yoga dangerous, Is Sahaja Yoga a religion

Sahaja yoga or spontaneous union with ones self was created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 to bring self realization to the masses through meditation. It enables people to experience the reality of their own energy. 1 X Expert Source Andres Alarcn Sahaja Yoga Practitioner Expert Interview. 7 July 2020. This method transforms human awareness through techniques that promote a more moral united integrated and balanced self. Practitioners claim that hundreds of thousands of people in over ninety countries have experienced the transformation of becoming more peaceful and joyous in life through Sahaja yoga. Get to know yourself through self realization. Self realization is the foundation of Sahaja yoga. It is based on an experience called the Kundalini awakening which can occur within all human beings. After going through the various steps you should encounter a transformation that makes you a more moral united integrated and balanced person.

Understand the subtle system. The subtle system is made up of nadis and chakras. Nadis or channels carry energy throughout the body while chakras or wheels are theof energy located in the body. There are three primary vertical channels of energy and seven major chakras. This system can only bewith a Kundalini awakening. The Kundalini awakening simultaneously cleans and balances the system and enlightens and purifies the chakras.

Know the spiritual abilities of the chakras. Chakras are called wheels because this is where the energy spins with frequency similar to a galaxy of planets spinning on their axis. Chakras are located along the spinal cord region and supervise and maintain the perfect operation of the bodily system. What attracts and disturbs the chakras influences their sensitivity and performance. Self realization will enlighten the central nervous system allowing you to feel each of the seven chakras.

Know the channels or nadis. There are three main nadis the left channel Ida Nadi also called the moon channel is located along the left side of the body and provides the conduit for the energy of our desire. The right channel Pingala Nadi or sun channel runs along the right side of the body and is responsible for active energy as well as our mental and physical activities. The central channel Sushumna Nadi is located along the spine to the highest chakra.Danger Nr
Sahaja Yoga is not an organized religion, but it unites the essence of all religions through direct perception of the subtle, divine reality

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