• 4 years ago
10 Websites Every Professional Should Know About and Use – PART 1
#interestingfacts​ #usefulwebsites​ #businesswebsites​

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Remove the Milk: https://www.rememberthemilk.com/​
Hemingway App: https://hemingwayapp.com/​
Evernote: https://evernote.com/​
Habit Bull: http://www.habitbull.com/​
Unroll.me: https://unroll.me/​
Rescue Time: https://www.rescuetime.com/​
Send Receive Fax through Email: https://faxzero.com/​
Google Drive: https://www.google.com/drive/​
Trello. Manage Your Ideas: https://trello.com/​
Create a Coffee Shop Ambient Sound: https://coffitivity.com/​

00:00​ Intro
00:25​ Number 10. Remember the Milk.
Remember the Milk is a to-do list manager with several key bonuses. You can sync it with all your devices, share tasks with others, and get email or text reminders of things you need to get done. www.rememberthemilk.com

00:49​ Number 9. Hemingwayapp.com.
Hemingway is a website that shows you how your messages come off to readers, and highlights areas that need your attention. Very useful proof-reading tool. www.hemingwayapp.com

01:08​ Number 8. Evernote.com.
Evernote helps you remember everything using text, photo or audio notes, and clippings of websites. https://evernote.com​

01:26​ Number 7. HabitBull.com.
Since forming a new habit isn’t easy and takes some consistency. HabitBull helps you keep track to make it a little bit easier for the habit to stick. http://www.habitbull.com/​

01:45​ Number 6. Unroll.me.
You know all those email newsletters that you accidentally opted into, but don’t really read? Use this site to clear out your inbox. https://unroll.me/​

02:04​ Number 5. RescueTime.com.
RescueTime lets you monitor how you spend your time on your computer and mobile devices. (The truth is sometimes shocking, but necessary.) https://www.rescuetime.com/​

02:25​ Number 4. FaxZero.com.
FaxZero lets you send and receive faxes through your email—because nobody likes the fax machine anymore. https://faxzero.com/​

02:42​ Number 3. Google Drive.
Google Drive allows you to collaborate, invite as many people as you want to contribute to your documents (spreadsheets, presentations, or even surveys), or set them to private so they’re just yours. https://www.google.com/drive/​

03:06​ Number 2. Trello.com.
Trello helps you manage all your ideas and due dates and keeps track of what you’re in the process of completing. Very useful graphical task and project management tool. https://trello.com/​

03:26​ Number 1. Coffitivity.com.
What is it about coffee shops that gives you such laser focus? This website, Coffitivity streams background noises of coffee shops so you can get your creativity game on. https://coffitivity.com/


