Grow Curry Leaves

  • 3 years ago
How to Grow Curry Leaves

The information presented and opinions expresses in this video are for reference as educational material only.

The HILARIOUS Guide to Grow Curry Leaves,

Curry leaves are a main ingredient in Indian cuisine known for their unique flavor thats similar to cumin menthol and herbs. 1 X Research source The leaves are also said to have antioxidants and help stabilize blood sugar. 2 X Research source While you can always buy curry leaves online or from Indian grocery stores you can also grow the plants in your own yard to harvest yourself. Curry leaf plants are low maintenance and all you need to start are some seeds potting mix and a small pot. As your plant grows taller youll be able to harvest the leaves to use in your own dishes Fill a small pot with a mix of potting soil and compost. Look for a small pot thats about 46 1015 cm tall and 34 7.610.2 cm wide for starting your curry leaf plant. Make a potting mix thats 60percent potting soil and 40percent compost so your plant gets enough nutrients while its growing. Combine the soil and compost thoroughly until its thoroughly mixed together.

Push a curry leaf plant seed 2 in 1.3 cm into the potting mix. Push your thumb into the center of the soil so it makes a hole thats 2 inch 1.3 cm deep. Take a single seed for a curry leaf plant and drop it into the hole you just made. Push some of the potting mix back into the hole to cover the seed and compact it slightly so its pressed against the seed.

Water the soil thoroughly until you see it come out of the drainage holes. After youve placed the seed in the soil use a watering can to wet the soil so the roots can start growing. If theres standing water on top of the soil wait for it to absorb deeper before adding more water. As soon as the water starts coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot then stop watering the plant.

Put the pot in an area that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. After youve watered your seeds set them near a south facing window so they can get sunlight throughout the day. If you have weather thats above 32 degrees F 0 degrees C you can also keep the pot outside for the plant to grow. Make sure the plant gets full sun or 6 8 hours during the day or else it wont produce strong shoots or leaves.

This video contains a digital rendering of a celebrity personalities likeness and voice for comedic and satirical value. The opinions and information expressed in this video are not representative of those of the actual celebrity personality. No affiliation exists between the celebrity personality and the producer of this video.