Light Body Activation!~CAUTION~ Only listen when you are ready! Binaural Beats+Subliminal Meditation

3 years ago
Light Body Activation!~CAUTION~ Only listen when you are ready! Binaural Beats+Subliminal Meditation

You have forgotten you, but are continuing to remember. Your LightBody gives you access to you in your truest and purest form.

The human mind "learns" and the soul REMEMBERS as an energetic body of consciousness. These too are in direction opposition to each other, yet have a nexus point where infinity meets in the middle.

When one can truly see all separation within, they will have remembered that they have never been separate at all.

The human mind creates separation within self, from self and transmitting to an outward reality viewed as the physical manifestation in the materialization of all things and others. "Remembering" is a state of BEing as one's own energy self. It is a state of consciousness. It is felt as one transcends the physical reality/bodies and exists as ONE unified body of consciousness. It takes one to the moment of creation or even before.

To actually MERGE into a body of consciousness as nothing but just an energy, "leave" your physical body & observe all of humanity from the point of "before creation" is a mind-blowing event that one attempts to comprehend, but cannot even fathom with a logical mind. In a way, there is no reason to speak of it, while also understanding the importance to share.

Everything and nothing exists all in one moment. The vastness & the simplicity almost contradict each other in a place where there is no contradiction. And describing with words that where words don't exist, well..... (I believe I wrote as "messages" were received during this state, so I will share if so.) To exist as a "dot", to expand in & out to see all as nothing or all as one, to observe the gridwork of humanity, of separation, to feel the love of all as one being, brings tears to my eyes as the very thought of what has been created here to "live" out in the physical.

Emotions are all over the place, in the most amazing way. One moment is playful, while the next is serene and silent. All moments are in love, observance & service even more now, for the "reality of this" continues to expand in every moment. New realizations of what we all are here to do changes with new understandings of remembering continuing to come through.

This is a place that is achieved through honor & integrity that one builds from within. Do we still exist here in human form? Yes we do. Do we trip & fall? Yes we do. Do we judge it? No. Do we serve humanity more than ever before. Indeed. Do we see things as we did in the physical? Never again.

When all realities have merged at the highest vibrational frequency, all bodies of consciousness then unify as one. This IS your LightBody. Embrace it, as the reality of it is now in your own remembering and ability to continue to release.
