The Virtuoso Movie (2021) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Danger, deception, and murder descend upon a sleepy country town when a professional assassin (Anson Mount) accepts a new assignment from his enigmatic mentor and boss (Oscar-winner Anthony Hopkins). Given only where and when along with a cryptic clue, the methodical hitman must identify his mysterious mark from among several possible targets, including a local sheriff (David Morse). Meanwhile, a chance encounter with an alluring woman (Abbie Cornish) at the town's rustic diner threatens to derail his mission in this noir-style cloak-and-dagger thriller.
directed by Nick Stagliano
starring Anson Mount, Anthony Hopkins, Abbie Cornish, David Morse, Richard Brake, Diora Baird
release date April 30, 2021 (in select theaters and on VOD)
directed by Nick Stagliano
starring Anson Mount, Anthony Hopkins, Abbie Cornish, David Morse, Richard Brake, Diora Baird
release date April 30, 2021 (in select theaters and on VOD)
Short film