Different types of birds

  • 3 years ago
Different types of birds ,Different colors
• Ducks, geese and swans
• Megapodes
• Pheasants and allies
• Frogmouths
• Nightjars
• Treeswifts
• Swifts
• Bustards
• Cuckoos
• Sandgrouse
• Pigeons and doves
• Finfoots
• Rails, crakes, and coots
• Cranes
• Grebes
• Flamingos
• Buttonquail
• Stone-curlews and thick-knees
• Oystercatchers
• Ibisbill
• Stilts and avocets
• Plovers
• Painted-snipes
• Jacanas
• Sandpipers and snipes
• Crab-plover
• Coursers and pratincoles
• Gulls, terns, and skimmers
• Skuas
• Tropicbirds
• Loons
• Austral storm petrels
• Northern storm petrels
• Petrels, shearwaters, and diving petrels
• Storks
• Frigatebirds
• Gannets and boobies
• Anhingas and darters
• Cormorants and shags
• Ibises and spoonbills
• Herons and bitterns
• Pelicans
• Ospreys
• Kites, hawks, and eagles
• Barn owls
• Owls
• Trogons
• Hoopoes
• Hornbills
• Rollers
• Kingfishers
• Bee-eaters
• Asian barbets
• Honeyguides
• Woodpeckers
• Caracaras and falcons
• Old World parrots
• Typical broadbills
• Pittas
• Vangas, helmetshrikes, woodshrikes, and shrike-flycatchers
• Woodswallows, butcherbirds, and peltops
• Ioras
• Cuckooshrikes
• Whistlers and allies
• Shrikes
• Vireos, greenlets, and shrike-babblers
• Figbirds, orioles, and turnagra
• Drongos
• Fantails and silktails
• Monarchs
• Crows and jays
• Waxwings
• Hypocolius
• Fairy flycatchers
• Tits and chickadees
• Penduline tits
• Larks
• Bulbuls
• Swallows and martins
• Cupwings
• Cettia bush warblers and allies
• Bushtits
• Leaf warblers and allies
• Reed warblers, Grauer’s warbler, and allies
• Grassbirds and allies
• Cisticolas and allies
• Sylviid babblers
• Parrotbills and allies
• White-eyes
• Babblers and scimitar babblers
• Ground babblers
• Alcippe fulvettas
• Laughingthrushes and allies
• Fairy-bluebirds
• Goldcrests and kinglets
• Elachura
• Wrens
• Nuthatches
• Wallcreeper
• Treecreepers
