本片由饶河县委书记韩雪海向大家推介我们世界玉文化的摇篮、《乌苏里船歌》的诞生地绕河。饶河县位于中国东北边陲、乌苏里江中下游, 与俄罗斯隔江相望。这里的森林、草原、湿地和江河面积占县域面积的80%以上,一江二十八河纵横交错、奔流不息,水草丰美、群鸟翔集;饶河群峰巍峨、山岳壮美,森林负氧离子含量每立方厘米最高可达三万多个,是全国首批命名的九个“中国天然氧吧”之一。让我们一起走进绕河。
This film by Raohe county Party Committee Secretary,Han Xuehai to introduce our world jade culture cradle, "Wusuli Boat Song" the birthplace of the ring city. Raohe county is located in the northeast of China, the middle and lower reaches of the Wusuli River, across the river from Russia.The area of forests, grasslands, wetlands and rivers account for more than 80% of the county area. One river and twenty-eight rivers crisscross and flow ceaselessly.The water and grass are rich and beautiful, and the birds are abundant. Raohe has towering peaks and magnificent mountains. The content of negative oxygen ions in forest can reach more than 30000 per cubic centimeter. It is one of the first nine named ‘Chinese natural oxygen bars’ in China.let’s walk into Raohe.
This film by Raohe county Party Committee Secretary,Han Xuehai to introduce our world jade culture cradle, "Wusuli Boat Song" the birthplace of the ring city. Raohe county is located in the northeast of China, the middle and lower reaches of the Wusuli River, across the river from Russia.The area of forests, grasslands, wetlands and rivers account for more than 80% of the county area. One river and twenty-eight rivers crisscross and flow ceaselessly.The water and grass are rich and beautiful, and the birds are abundant. Raohe has towering peaks and magnificent mountains. The content of negative oxygen ions in forest can reach more than 30000 per cubic centimeter. It is one of the first nine named ‘Chinese natural oxygen bars’ in China.let’s walk into Raohe.