Google myself do google knows me? I am on google search results

  • 3 years ago
Googling myself bruh dedicated video about all shi*t going on coming tomorrow I know I uploaded video after very long time I was just completely blankout I dunno what to make videos on and also wasn't really intrested cuz of stress regarding upcoming exams even though they having so many cases whole year was online still they consider offline exams what the actual fuq anyway I'm gonna make dedicated video tomorrow on that topic regarding all things happened on Twitter and what I think what will happen in future and what we all should do after that I'm just gonna upload all the educational videos for preparation of exams already I'm having difficulties during sleep these days cuz of stress about my future and what will I do in future if I didn't get good grades then my life will goi g to mess & all anyway all the controversies happen on Twitter and I'm much active their these days so follow my Twitter account


