Couple Gets Angry At Two Trucks As They Drive Next To Each Other And Block Lanes

  • 3 years ago
This couple drove their car on the road. They got frustrated at the two cars driving in front of them as they blocked the lanes for the other vehicles to pass. The wife was angrier at her husband, who refused to break the rules and overtake them.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00I can't wait to pick it up and
00:02you can roll your window down and
00:04scream, you dumb.
00:05This is what you call
00:08impeding traffic.
00:11And they can get a ticket.
00:13You've gotta be,
00:15are you a, go around the shoulder.
00:18I double dog dare you.
00:25This is your need there.
00:48My God, I want to run them off.
